Can dogs eat tuna?

Can dogs eat tuna?

Tuna is a food rich in proteins of high biological value and unsaturated fatty acids that can be included in the diet of dogs, provided it is done in the right amount and form. It is a fish that we can find both fresh and canned. But you should know that not all presentations are recommended in the diet of dogs.

Can dogs eat fresh tuna?

Yes, dogs can eat fresh tuna. To cook it, you can choose to boil it with the rest of the foods that you are going to include in your portion. Or cook it on the grill with a few drops of olive oil.

In any case, there are two important points to keep in mind if you want to give your dog fresh tuna.

First of all, the tuna must be in good condition. If the tuna is in poor condition, your dog could suffer from histamine poisoning. Histamine is a breakdown component found in some fish like tuna. This component is not removed by heat, so even if we cook the fish, the risk of poisoning remains. Therefore, the best way to prevent this poisoning is to ensure that the fish is fresh and in good condition.

On the other hand, it is important that, when you administer fresh tuna to your dog, you remove the bones first. If there is a hidden thorn in the tuna, it could dig into your mouth. Or elsewhere in your digestive tract, causing a problem. To avoid this, do not forget to remove all the thorns before including them in the ration.

Can I give my dog ​​canned tuna?

Dogs can also eat canned or canned tuna. However, you should keep in mind that not all canned tuna is suitable for a dog’s diet. You can include natural tuna, tuna in olive oil. Or sunflower oil, preferably those that are low in salt. You can add them directly to your dog’s ration, previously draining the oil or preserved water. Of course, do not mix it with feed if you offer this type of food to your dog since feed and homemade food have different digestive processes. We explain everything to you in this article: ” Is it good to combine feed with homemade food? “.

Benefits of tuna for dogs

Tuna is an oily fish that contains around 12% fat, which is why it is considered a fatty fish. This fat is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, it is a fish with a high protein content of high biological value (23 grams of protein per 100 grams of tuna), which means that it provides a large number of essential amino acids.

On the other hand, tuna is an important source of vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins, vitamin D and vitamins of group B (mainly B3, B6, and B12) stand out. As for minerals, selenium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and magnesium stand out.

How to give tuna to a dog?

There are different ways to feed your dog tuna depending on the type of diet he is following. We show them all so that you can choose the most suitable for your dog:

First of all, you should know that if you feed your dog with a commercial feed exclusively. And both the type of feed and the amount you administer are appropriate to its age, breed, activity level, and physiological state, it is not necessary. that you administer any food in an extra way since the feed will provide all the nutrients that your dog needs. In these cases, you can administer tuna as a reward, occasionally. But not add it routinely to your feed ration, since, as we have mentioned. It is also not advisable to mix both types of food at the same time. It would be an excellent option, instead, to establish a mixed diet. Through which some days you feed your dog with food and others with homemade food.

As part of a mixed or exclusively homemade dietCan dogs eat tuna

If instead of using a commercial feed exclusively you decide to feed your dog a portion of homemade food, either a few days a week or to establish a diet that is exclusively homemade, it is important that you consult a veterinarian who specializes in animal nutrition. to ensure you meet nutritional needs with your daily ratio. You should know that dogs are not strict carnivores, so their diet should not only include protein foods, but also foods rich in carbohydrates, fiber, etc. Of course, the main ingredient must be the protein of animal origin. As we have mentioned, tuna is a good source of fat and protein that can be incorporated into the diet of dogs, but, in this case, it must be accompanied by other foods that guarantee a healthy and balanced ratio.

In addition, it is important to take into account some considerations if we want to include tuna in our dog’s diet.

It is a fish with a high-fat content, which makes it a very energetic food. Therefore, if your dog is obese or suffers from any pathology that favors overweight, such as hypothyroidism, you should opt for leaner meats or fish (with less fat) such as chicken, turkey, or white fish.

Tuna, like other large predatory fish, tend to store high levels of mercury (specifical methylmercury) in their body. Excessive consumption of this type of fish can cause methylmercury poisoning, which usually causes neurological symptoms. Therefore, it is not recommended that you include tuna in your dog’s daily ration, but rather alternate it with other sources of protein.

In short, including tuna in your dog’s diet is a good option as long as you do it in the right amount and form. Remember that it should not be a food that you provide daily, but it is preferable that you alternate it with other protein sources. Likewise, do not forget the importance of offering your dog a healthy and balanced diet that fully covers its nutritional needs. To do this, do not miss our article on What dogs eat.

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