If there is an ingenious and flattering method to call birds to your garden, it is by making feeders. Through these dispensers, at the same time that you collaborate with the feeding of the birds, you dedicate yourself to a relaxing and entertaining activity.
It is a friendly gesture with nature and does not imply excessive expenses. The manufacture of these stations does not require vast knowledge, but an elementary guide like the one that we will present later. But first, let’s get to know what the feeders consist of and what benefit they bring with them.
What are bird feeders?
As the name suggests, bird feeders are feeding stations for these animals. You can buy them or design them with simple materials, such as tubes and plastic bottles. In them, you offer seeds and fruits so that these animals arrive, feed, and continue their flight.
Having these stops on the balconies and gardens is a fun and friendly way to watch birds and connect with nature, reports the National Wildlife Federation. The institution also comments that, through the food stations, the food sources that the birds find in the natural environment are complemented.
Benefits of bird feeders
During drought or cold periods, the devices represent an alternative for safe provisions for these animals. Especially in winter, because the birds experience a greater caloric demand, as both their heartbeat and body temperature rise.
It also makes it easier for them to search for food at the same time of the year, considering the decrease in hours of sunlight and the few options available due to frost.
The feeders help them survive and be in suitable conditions for the arrival of spring.
Sparrows, parakeets, hummingbirds, woodpeckers and other species are used to trying what you offer in the garden, so visits will be frequent and favorable for them and for you. Next, learn about the most outstanding benefits of installing a feeder on your patio:
- It is a relaxing hobby.
- You provide a variety of foods to the birds.
- You enjoy moments of natural connection.
- They take advantage of their passage to pollinate the flowers.
- It is an opportunity to practice photography.
- They eat seeds that could become weeds.
- You know different types of birds and how they interact with each other.
- You dedicate yourself to an ideal educational activity to share with the family.
- You would have “pets” that come and go, without the need to invest in a vet or other expenses.
- You contribute to the control of garden pests since birds also feed on worms and some insects.
How to make a bird feeder at home?
Although you can buy a bird feeding station, it is also feasible to make one using household tools and recyclable materials. Right away we show you 2 ways.
Method 1
For the easiest crafting procedure, you need the following materials:
- Scissors.
- Plastic bottle.
- thin rope
- Wooden spoon.
The first thing to do is wash the bottle with soap and water; wait for it to dry and proceed to assembly. To do this, you open a hole in the bottle on one of its sides and cross the stick of the spoon.
Then you create another hole on the opposite side, ensuring that there is some unevenness between one hole and another. The purpose is that the spoon remains tilted and the food comes out without a mess. Check that the paddle arrangement allows adequate space for the birds to hold onto while eating.
The next thing is to fill the bottle with the food. And finally, you make an opening in the stopper to hang the dispenser in a quiet corner.
Method 2
This kind of feeder is a bit cumbersome, but not difficult to achieve. Unlike the first technique, the handling of DIY tools is required, such as sandpaper and cutting discs. As for the materials, we now list them:
- Rope.
- Paint.
- PVC pipes.
- Hot silicone.
- Plywood.
Cut 3 PVC pipes, making sure that one is thicker than the others, to serve as the main structure. Take one of the thinner ones and divide it into 2 equal parts. Mark this and the larger one on the surface with a marker.
Sand the cannulas and mark the diameter of the narrow ones on the thick tube. The idea is to insert in the shape of a cross. Seal the upper mouth of the main tube and put a rope on it to hang it from a tree or a balcony area.
Then label the gauge of the thickest tube on the wood and cut this mold. Use the silicone to glue the plywood piece with the bulky PVC to make a lid. You end up spray painting in tones to your liking, although a recommendation from the Ornithology Magazine recommends green, claiming that it is the color suggested by the literature on the subject.
Bird feeder maintenance
Cornell University urges cleaning feeder “trays” at least every 2 weeks, because shells and rotting or moldy seeds, as well as droppings, can make birds sick. Likewise, if this waste falls on the ground, the pets in your house would be affected by ingesting it.
Wash with a dishwasher and hot water. Mixing one part bleach to nine parts water is also helpful. In any case, remember to rinse and dry before offering food again.
If you see a sick bird, live in a humid climate, or have reports of salmonella in your area, apply maintenance on a weekly basis.
Foods you can offer in a bird feeder
As obvious as it may seem, many people are unaware of what kind of food to provide for wild birds that land in the garden. It is okay to provide these stations with breadcrumbs, nuts, seeds, and rolled oats. If you opt for birdseed, make it quality.
More alternatives? Fruits, nectar, and tallows stand out among the preferences of flying species. Now you have the information you need to stock a homemade feeder and enjoy bird visits throughout the year.